Air Duct Cleaning
Air quality is a great concern for many people. Whether it's allergies or nuisance dust, having your air ducts professionally cleaned can make a significant improvement in your indoor air quality.
Step 1
I will remove each register cover to power-vac the first 8-10 feet. This will remove leafs, pet hair, pet food, and anything else which has fallen in over the years.(While we're on that subject, may I recommend that you NOT keep the litter box near a floor vent? I will spare you the details.) To date, I have removed about 1 million cheerios which have fallen from highchair trays just from the kitchen vents alone. I will also remove the construction debris left behind from the builder. Nails, wiring, drywall pieces, sawdust - it all seems to end up in the ducts. Did I mention coffee cups, beer cans, half-eaten lunches, empty caulking tubes, wood chunks, tile pieces, and grout? Your ductwork is a virtual cornucopia of artifacts.
Step 2
Deep cleaning with the patented Rotobrush system. The 30 ft. hose spin-brushes and vacuums as it travels through each individual vent.
The process is not complicated. It's simply brushing and vacuuming in places that you can't reach.
Step 3 [Optional]
Application of an anti-microbial fog.